We headed to Bath (Bawth, as the natives say it) via train this weekend and enjoyed a few days of hot weather and sightseeing. I took this picture at the Roman Baths - you can see St. George's flag fluttering away atop the abbey in the background. Bath is an interesting mix of history. The statues were built in the mid to late 1800's, the abbey hails from medieval times, and the baths underneath were constructed by the Romans:

We were there on a Monday, so it wasn't too busy. Still, I was surprised by the amount of tourists gadding about (note my very British terminology there) town. I can honestly say that despite the kooky hat B made me wear, I fit right in.

Now, I don't consider myself a gourmet. I'm not pretentious. I can enjoy something without making stupid exaggerated faces of enjoyment, and I keep my comments about restaurants simple without going into the details of how horrible/good it was because the sauce had too much coriander in it and therefore that threw off the lemony-basilness of the dish. To wit: Mexican food in the UK generally sucks. Full stop. So when we found a good Mexican restaurant in Bath, we ate there two nights in a row. It was even better than the full-on tea service we had on Monday afternoon.
But the best part? Spa visit. 4 hours. Able to float with my chin propped up on one of those blue styrofoamy things in the water...
belly down. Seriously, I just lay there like a croc in the water half the time. You have no idea how much you miss sleeping on your stomach until it's taken away from you....