Thursday, 27 November 2008

Quote Wall and Happy Thanksgiving

Elijah in a foam "Bumbo" chair, which allows him to sit up straight with support. In the background, our living room is still in disarray from getting new windows put in.

Just posting a few pictures while I've got time, and two Bruno-quotes (rated PG, watch out!).

Bruno: "Did... did he just... throw up on his own butt?" (The answer is yes, after some creative daddy-acrobatics exacerbated the, uh, situation.)

Bruno: "If I go into it thinking it's a bad diaper, but it actually isn't, it still counts as a bad diaper change."

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I wish they celebrated it in the UK. Right now, Elijah is "napping" in his swing, which consists of me shushing him every few minutes and playing a peaceful song in the background. Current choice: "Be Still My Soul," by Libera. Beautiful song.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

More Pictures....

Okay, so, I haven't been updating the blog all that much, sorry. We went through a brief scare with B's company doing layoffs: his job got cut, but he's been moved to a new position, so all's well for now!

Here's some more pictures from Ludlow. Elijah and the four-poster bed are pictured below. This hotel was so old (centuries old!) that it had sloping floors and old pillars everywhichway in the ceiling.

More castle!

B has a knack for taking photos when I'm not quite ready. The baby and I are next to one of the many old-style houses/stores in the area. The hotel looked a lot like this, but more ornate. Elijah is in a sling - comfortable for both of us and he likes to nap against my chest while I walk around.

Baby and stroller next to a cannon near the entrance of the castle.

That's all for now. I'm tired and need to sleep, haven't been getting much lately.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

We're Back

Atop a tower in Ludlow Castle, built in the 11th century. In the distance is St. Laurence Church, also built in the 11th century. (The raven was probably born in the last several years.) Both castle and church, of course, were added to/extended in later years.

Since I hail from a relatively young country, I've always been intrigued by castles, old cathedrals, etc. The Christian history of the UK is fascinating. I love going into an old cathedral, looking around at the architecture, soaking up the tranquil, holy environment. I walk along the stone floors and feel myself stepping back in time, staring down at the very surface that famous/infamous and influential people have trod upon centuries before. It's a humbling experience.
Approaching the castle. It was huge!

The way up....

View from the top.

Elijah lurked while B and I took turns going up various steps.

No time left, will post more pictures later.

Monday, 10 November 2008

City Living

Sometimes it's hard to believe we live just a few short train stops away from Central London. Our immediate area is suburb-like, residential, a bit removed from the hustle and bustle of cars and buses and loud noises, so I tend to forget there's an actual city out there.

Yesterday we met up with some friends around Waterloo. For those of you who don't know London, this is the general area that contains the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, the London Eye (big old ferris wheel thing), the OXO tower, etc.

Elijah got to meet Victoria, who is about 5 weeks old. Elijah isn't that interested in other kids, and V was clearly not impressed by meeting him! But the adults got a great South American meal out of the trip. The restaurant B and I visited in Bath has opened up another one in Waterloo, and their food is definitely as good as we remember.

Walked off some of the calories afterward, saw some of the sights. Someone was in the middle of making another sand sculpture on the bank of the Thames.

Elijah's take on it all...

Random interesting monument to one of the first railway companies in England.

Met up with yet more friends at the cafe in the Tate Modern, whereupon Elijah endeared himself to one of them by conking out in her lap.

Anyhow, enough pictures for now. B and I are off to Ludlow tomorrow. Going to tour a castle, possibly visit Offa's Dyke on the border of Wales, get some R&R, walk around the countryside, etc. I'll take the camera along.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Elijah Says...

...don't forget to vote on Tuesday!