Our normal routine's been a bit up in the air lately, which has been stressful. Night wakings continue as "normal" and he's now waking up after an hour or less of napping, which equals grouchy baby and grouchy me.
B and I have been enjoying the tail end of summer's long days by eating dinner in the garden and using the barbecue. He also took E to a "Daddy Rhyme Time" singalong at the library, and came back with some funny anecdotes.
Apparently, at least 4 different babies stole E's toy, usually while he was involved in trying to cruise/toddle his way to a very appealing sippy cup, which of course belonged to another toddler. The grass is always greener :)
During the singing of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" the oldest child in the group, a 2 year old, followed E as he crawled around, pointing to the embroidered star on his romper with great excitement.
A baby "pile-up" occurred, where at least four daddies were poised and ready to extricate their crawlers/toddlers from each other. Somehow, with much wide-eyed staring and a bit of poking, all the youngsters managed to untangle themselves and move on.
Old Macdonald has a SAUSAGE and both a COW and a MOO COW on his farm. B claims he forgets what sound effect the sausage does but perhaps he's blocked it out.
So... that's what's been going on. Life's been busy, not with groundshaking events, but with all the little mundane things that need attending to. It's nice when the weekend rolls in and B and I are able to spend some time together.
We both feel fortunate that we live in a good area and can do a lot of cool local things. It's nice to be able to pop out, do something, and go home right away and relax.
Speaking of weekends, in a few days, B and I are visiting a museum and brunching with friends at the restaurant up the hill. And catching up on sleep. Hopefully.
Oh yeah, but you came for the pics. Here ya go!

Pinning the wild child after his bath this evening. Lying down to be dressed is just so 8 months old. Totally not in vogue. Silly parents, don't you know anything?
And I'm off for as much shuteye as I can get.