Sunday, 27 September 2009


Anything in, must go out. Anything out, must go in. This makes for interesting juxtapositions. Toys in the cutlery drawer, spoons in our bed.... it's all fun and games until someone loses a TV remote or a jar of eucalyptus balm gets washed (and quite spread out among the clothes).

Today we visited B's old babysitter for a quick lunch. She's in her mid-90's, and was recently discharged from the hospital where she had successful heart surgery. Yes, this is the NHS I'm talking about - and I don't want to get political, but I'll just add that both she and her pocketbook are doing just fine. As always, she had plenty of stories about old times, including reminiscing about what powdered egg tasted like during WWII when food was rationed.

Then we went to E's friend's 1st birthday party. I didn't have time to take pictures, but a friend did.


Driveway exploring!

And that's all for now.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Yesterday I took E to the common, less than a mile's walk away, to enjoy the late afternoon sun. (And, of course, to wear him out before bedtime, but the whole enjoying the sun thing sounds more romantic.) In the above picture, he's about to take a spill, thus the pseudo dance move.

Here's a video of the man himself in action.

Monday, 21 September 2009


Elijah reached for Daddy's Blackberry with toddlerish determination.

Upon wresting it from his hands, he looked up excitedly and pronounced his most interesting word yet.

"Kaboom?" he asked.

"No," Daddy said. "At least, I hope not."

Tuesday, 15 September 2009


Oddly, it seems E is allergic to bell peppers. Poor fella.

Here is a recent pic of us at some random fountain in London.

Nearing 60k, have just about finished outlining the end of the novel, continuing to plug away. All's well, just busy. B just came back from a work dinner with his boss and global team. E is teething - or maybe that's just an easy, one-word excuse for his inability to sleep more than four hours straight without moaning.

And off to bed.

Friday, 11 September 2009


Sorry I haven't been updating. It's been hard to find a spare minute. I still need to respond to a bunch of emails, too.

Been spending lots of time on the novel, trying to keep on top of housework, and last (but certainly not least), keeping up with a certain young gentleman.

Last year at this time, I was in bad shape, having had a kidney infection and other complications. It's amazing to think how far we've come in a year. (Incidentally, in some other cultures, post-birth healing process include not leaving the house for a certain period of time. I can see how that developed.)

On Sunday, we bought Elijah his first pair of shoes. He's walking fairly well now, although he's very teetery still. B also took him swimming for the first time!

I haven't been taking many pictures lately because I've mostly been enjoying living in the moment and documenting everything tends to get in the way of that. I'll try and snap a pic of his spiffy new shoes soon, though.

In the meantime, we went to the Docklands Museum a few weekends ago and had a great time. I needed to know a bit more about London's docklands in the late 1800's for the book I'm writing and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the museum. After we were done looking at the exhibits, we went to the soft play area downstairs where E got to crawl around and poke things. There was a huge sand and water play table for older children, too. I can definitely see us going there again.

A few pictures:

In the sling, on the train, stylin' his sunglasses.

Exploring the play area with Daddy in tow.

Lastly - today is the anniversary of a very sad day. May it never happen again in anyone's lifetime.