2 1/2 is a fun age so far.
It's the age where he says things like...
"I'm going to go hide behind that tree over there!"and
"I'm sneaking up on you!"He is getting more and more confident every week. We can see a marked difference between today and just a few months ago - he can climb the ladders in the park by himself, negotiate tricky rope bridges without hand-holding, and is running at warp speed now.
A few photos from the Imperial War Museum last weekend:

At the controls of the submarine.

More submarine antics.

Big tank. Don't ask me what kind, I was too busy chasing after him to read about it.

Going through the air raid shelter.

Listening to air raid alarms.

Callie's wheels, compared to those of bygone days.

Watching WW2-era cartoons.

Text reads: The day will come when the joybells will ring again throughout Europe, and when victorious nations, masters not only of their foes but of themselves, will plan and build in justice, in tradition, and in freedom - Winston S. Churchill, Jan 20th, 1940.

Gadding about outside.
Today we took a long walk on the nearby common. Even though it was still chilly, the sun was out and made a noticeable difference. We all really enjoyed being outside.
Callie is growing.

And things in general, are going well. B and I celebrated our 4th anniversary this week :)