During our entire time in Suffolk, we only spent one day not socializing. Time really flew by. Most of the pics above were from our day "off" - no obligations, so we stuck close to the bungalow and beach and E had a nap.
We met up with friends at Africa Alive, an animal park with a nice playground and indoor play area. Spent a lovely time observing the birds and animals and watching a birds of prey display (during which E insisted upon getting up, wandering off, and touching trees. Odd child).
We milked a faux cow...

...fed goats...

...and saw lions (among other animals).

Then we headed off to the playground, which was the highlight for E.

After that, it was indoors to the soft play. I have no pictures but E had a great time. There was a complicated system involving vacuum, air, balls and tubes, and "cannons" which shot the foam balls all around. E simply loved it.
And C? Well, she's slotted in well. Now if we could just get her to sleep a nice unbroken stretch from midnight until at least 6, instead of waking up twice...!
Hard to feel put-out, though, when you look at her cute little mug.

Well - that was our Suffolk trip!
The prince is getting married on Friday. Some places are even having street parties. B and I are probably going to a friend's barbecue though. E starts playgroup twice a week from next week. That term runs into July. Then he starts nursery (preschool) in September.
He'll be the youngest in his class due to being August-born. I'm not worried about his academic skills nor his social skills. I think he'll be ready for preschool, although I'm still a bit leery about sending him into kindergarten at barely 4. He knows at least 90%, if not more, of letter sounds (S = sss for example). He knows both upper case and lower case letters - all of them, from A-Z. He can name and recognize a variety of colors and shapes. He can count to 20 although he skips 13 (superstitious?). He can count actual things (i.e. 3 red cars) although he's not 100% on this if there are more than about 4 things to count. He strikes up conversations with complete strangers and says "please" and "thank you" properly.* He even shares with other kids.**
*most of the time, anyway**ditto the aboveSo - life is progressing. I read something recently that nails it totally for me. "The days are long, but the years are short."