Still catching up on emails (may have missed a few here and there) and blogging has taken a back seat for a while... sorry!
We are potty training in... well, let's just say we're taking the long, scenic, easy route of no pressure. And no really big accidents, either. Yet. This necessitates (for the moment), a bare bottom around the house. We have leather couches. E's always been in diapers when sitting on them but today we were letting him watch a TV show and he (gasp) sat still for more than 5 minutes. When he moved again, his eyes got suddenly wide and he proclaimed:
"Oh! What is happening to myself? The butt of myself is stuck to the couch?!"
Even disregarding the toddler-style phrasing, you have to admit it's hilarious.
Speaking of cuteness, today I had to put the baby down for a few minutes. I heard her begin to grizzle from the other room. When I finally got to her, she'd been crying/grizzling for a minute or two. She also had a sticker on her knee and four cuddly toys deposited on her head. This is not an isolated occurrence.
Lastly, I asked E what color the sky was. We were indoors at the time. He turned to me and said, solemnly: "Gray." I guess I'm raising a very British child.
I feel incomplete not putting up a photo, so here is one of E and me at the Science Museum in London last weekend, watching a giant factory steam wheel go around and around. I tried to explain the Industrial Revolution to E but I'm not entirely sure how much he absorbed.