B and I celebrated our 5th anniversary earlier this month. We had steak at a local restaurant. It was rammed on a Thursday night and we soon found out why - the food was great. It was strange to be out, childless, after dark. Felt a little bit like I was breaking a curfew or something.
Lots of stuff happening around here... insignificant stuff, for the most part, but it's our life, and it's happening now, and I keep meaning to write it down so that I can look back on things in later years. So... I won a book in a competition for the kids. The weather has been mild, especially for February, almost shirt sleeve weather really. We've been playing more in the garden.
Last Saturday we went out to Ockham Common, had a pub lunch, hiked.
Apart from that, we have mostly been....
C is saying "Mama" (constantly!) and "Hi" and "Bye" and "Wow" and "Dat" (that). She says "dat!" so vigorously, with lots of pointing, and is understanding lots of what we tell her. Except "no," of course - that results in insta-tantrum. Her brother was never as intense as she seems to be, with the lying down and head-on-the-ground angry zero-to-60 wailings!
E is continuing to enjoy his preschool - 5 mornings per week, 8:45-11:45. And he goes to his sports class once a week on a Wednesday - he came back with a special medal last week. He's reading lots of words now - the other day he read his first sentence to me, apropos of nothing, at the supermarket: "Does that say... 'Food To Go?'" Why yes... yes it does... excuse me while I faint right here in the aisle.
The kids had hand-foot-and-mouth disease (Coxsackie Disease or something) which is basically a high fever for a day or so and then spotty sore type things on the hands, foot, and in/around the mouth. Wasn't much fun for them but at least they're now immune to that strain. C had what I figure must have been rotavirus - vomiting and other... well, I'll spare you the details. Let's just say I'm going to have difficulty going back to that bookstore anytime soon. And my coat has been dry cleaned.
In closing, here is a photo of the kids in the garden, sharing a bag of kiddie tomato puffs. Note the intent, hunter-gatherer expression on C's face.