Long time, no blog.
I tallied up the words I've written since January and right now, I'm sitting somewhere around the 150-160k mark. That's spread over multiple pieces - a novella, several short stories, two incomplete-as-yet novels and one nearly-finished novel. I intend to have the latter finished by Christmas. Then I'll clean it up and start querying agents sometime after the New Year.
So... quick summary of the last few months? The summer was hot (gasp!). E started Year 1 (first grade equivalent)... okay... I'll sprinkle some pics in because why not?
Dad came to visit and was there for the first day of school. E is doing really well although he's tired at the end of the day.
C is going to playgroup two mornings a week and is really flourishing. She will start proper nursery school in September of next year.
Dad's visit was absolutely wonderful. I have INTERESTING PICTURES. I'm trying to decide whether I should retain them as blackmail for one of his homemade apple pies, or whether I should give in to instant gratification and post them. Hmm. Maybe I'll go for the middle approach. Here's one.
Incidentally, the kids were absolutely AMAZED that he climbed up there.
Personally, I was amazed that he arrived beardless:
Reader, I probably would have passed him in the street had I not been looking closely.
Anyhow, I have plenty of photos and some stories of what we did - lots of museum visits, Kew Gardens, biking around Hyde Park... there was nothing fancy in that list, but we had a good time. I had visions of a Paris daytrip via Eurostar, but that will have to happen next time.
What will also have to happen next time is more photos and a longer post, because I am totally hitting my bedtime and I would love to crunch out another 500 words in the steampunk novel I am writing.
So until next time...