Thursday, 25 December 2014

Winter 2014 (So Far)

So, following on from last post... NaNoWriMo happened in November, and I wound up writing 43,000 words in a month. Not too shabby. We're in a decent routine that gives me some free time in the morning before I collect C from her nursery (which she goes to from 9-12).

E was chosen as a narrator in the lower (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) school's production of the Nativity, one of only four children tapped for speaking parts out of sixty. He did a great job, and as a bonus, the Nursery class came in to watch, and I was able to sit in the same room with both children!

C had her 4th birthday.

We toasted marshmallows, sat around the campfire, built forts, and got generally muddy and dirty at the outdoor party of the son of family friends.

Dined out on pizza in Highgate.

E and I went to the Christmas service/carols along with Granny and several of her friends. He is currently enjoying a two week break from school.

Merry Christmas! We had a good day today with family and friends. Tomorrow we are going to Kew Gardens for the evening trail, seeing cousins and uncles and aunts, and probably spending a great deal of the day doing stuff like this...

(The track's slightly the wrong way around but that was quickly rectified by a kind uncle.)