Why create a blog? Why not use email to keep in touch, or make phone calls, or send snail-mail? The answer is simple: There's so many people I want to stay in touch with, and email is too much of a blunt instrument. I run the risk of losing track of who I've emailed (risking leaving someone out on news) or (potentially) lose an important email in the web of a spam filter.
So... being 5,000 miles away from many of you, I really think a blog is the way to go for updates, especially as I progress in this pregnancy and get more of the inevitable questions. Bruno says he might want to write a few posts on here as well, so I'll let him have his soapbox when he wants it.
For now, some Q & A:
Q: How far along are you?
A: A little over 17 weeks pregnant.
Q: Did you get morning sickness? Do you still have it?
A: I did get queasy, but fortunately it wasn't anything more. It was actually worse in the evenings after dinner because the food would just sit there like a stone. It went away around 9 weeks.
Q: Is it a boy or a girl?!?!
A: We don't know yet and won't know until the big scan, which is in early April. We don't pay out of pocket for scans here unless we have a private non-NHS one, so if they can't tell the sex then, we'll go "Team Green" and find out at birth.
Q: Got any names yet?
A: We do have a shortlist, but we're not spilling it. If we talk about it, I guarantee somebody will say they knew a dog by that name, or that great-Grandma Loretta's cockatoo was named ___, and that'll just spoil the name. For now, it's "Otis the Fetus."
Q: When's the due date?
A: August 5th.
Q: Are you excited?!
A: Immensely. Both of us are 100% on board and looking forward to it all.
Well, that's it for now. Tomorrow we're going to some sort of baby convention where you can preview products and stuff. I have a feeling it'll be quite commercial, but there's also talks on baby health/first aid and cloth diapering ("real nappies" they say here) that should be interesting.
Anyhow, that's all for now. This blog won't be entirely about pregnancy, of course: I'll write up and post some pictures of our trip to Greece last September. Stay tuned.
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