Thursday, 20 November 2008

More Pictures....

Okay, so, I haven't been updating the blog all that much, sorry. We went through a brief scare with B's company doing layoffs: his job got cut, but he's been moved to a new position, so all's well for now!

Here's some more pictures from Ludlow. Elijah and the four-poster bed are pictured below. This hotel was so old (centuries old!) that it had sloping floors and old pillars everywhichway in the ceiling.

More castle!

B has a knack for taking photos when I'm not quite ready. The baby and I are next to one of the many old-style houses/stores in the area. The hotel looked a lot like this, but more ornate. Elijah is in a sling - comfortable for both of us and he likes to nap against my chest while I walk around.

Baby and stroller next to a cannon near the entrance of the castle.

That's all for now. I'm tired and need to sleep, haven't been getting much lately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha that last picture is the best juxtaposition ever.