Thursday, 27 November 2008

Quote Wall and Happy Thanksgiving

Elijah in a foam "Bumbo" chair, which allows him to sit up straight with support. In the background, our living room is still in disarray from getting new windows put in.

Just posting a few pictures while I've got time, and two Bruno-quotes (rated PG, watch out!).

Bruno: "Did... did he just... throw up on his own butt?" (The answer is yes, after some creative daddy-acrobatics exacerbated the, uh, situation.)

Bruno: "If I go into it thinking it's a bad diaper, but it actually isn't, it still counts as a bad diaper change."

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I wish they celebrated it in the UK. Right now, Elijah is "napping" in his swing, which consists of me shushing him every few minutes and playing a peaceful song in the background. Current choice: "Be Still My Soul," by Libera. Beautiful song.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, from Franklin and Thalia in upstate New York. Your baby is cute and nice to have in a marriage full with love and kindness all the time. We just received a Christmas card from your father in Cal. He told in his letter about his brand new grandson and how he misses your mother,Katrina. He looking forward to seeing all of you in England for Christmas and over New Years. I have a myspace, that you might be interested in seeing, the address is myspace,com/bassakalis. Please give are regards to your husband and a kiss on your babys' cheek for us too. Love and best wishes to all.