...on 2008. We've had a great Christmas holiday. From walking and watching the deer in Richmond Park...
...to giving Christmas presents to a bemused baby who...
...seemed to prefer the wrapping! (Thanks to Yolanda and the wonderful librarians at the MV Library for one of the books in the below photo, it's just perfect!)
We taught an old codger how to play Wii Bowling...
...and visited Hampton Court Palace (home of Henry VIII).
Dad even got to see a portable bomb shelter at the Imperial War Museum. His quote: "Come over here and take a picture of me in front of this. Otherwise, nobody will believe me when I go back and tell them what I saw."
All in all, a good Christmas. Happy New Year 2009 to everyone out there! I still have some emails to follow up on, so I'll try to get some more free time in the next few days!
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