Here's a photo of me (one I deem worthy of posting). Elijah is looking very serious, but he was concentrating on swapping the spoon from one hand to the other. That's serious business, you know. Shortly afterward, he was all smiles like usual.
Also, thank you to everyone who emailed and wrote about my mom. It was so nice to hear how she affected everyone and the stories people remember!
On a different note, we continue to have neighbor problems. I don't want to write in-depth about it because a) it's depressing b) it's infuriating and c) it's an ongoing issue with potential legal ramifications.
To sum it up, we have 3 sets of neighbors in our immediate area (our building is 4 converted flats/apartments). Unfortunately, the neighbors to our left have been problematic in terms of loud (bass) music for about a year and a half now. They're social tenants (think Section 8/welfare if you're confused) so we and others have been complaining to the relevant authorities.
The latest annoyance is their acquisition of a pit bull mix in January which they've been letting run wild. There's no fence in between our yard and theirs, so our yard is completely trashed right now. Our flowerpots are broken as well, and nobody bothers to clean up after the animal whatsoever. To make matters worse, the neighbors keep trash in their back yard/balcony which the dog drags around.
So... rather unhygienic situation, and potentially dangerous, since when I was out in the yard this afternoon I was nipped and jumped upon. Typical behavior from an adolescent puppy - I'm not complaining. But what if I'd been out there with the baby?
wow, sucks about the neighbors :( hope u get it all sorted out the best way possible...
want me to get my cousin, Big Tony, from the OTHER side of the family to come help resolve this issue????? it is a pity they allow unfit people to have dogs...same with kids, but you know what I mean....hope the authorities have some solution!!
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