Elijah is getting two new (top) teeth, we gave an official statement to the Council about the neighbors in case they take them to court, B's work is hammering him hard, the government is demanding more paperwork for my visa, and both the baby and I are getting over colds.
Last night, a certain young gentleman woke on about 4 different occasions. Maybe it was 5. I don't actually remember now. At this point, we consider a night where he wakes up twice to be a good night, and a night where he wakes only once is a damned good night, although very rare. It's nice to be able to commiserate with the other mothers about this kind of thing. Everyone else tends to either a) be childless or b) view their own child-raising years through rose-tinted glasses.
Ironically, as I write this, he's snoring away in his crib in one of those rare daytime naps. I'd sleep too, but I know I'll just be drifting off when he wakes up. I'll just go to bed early. In the meantime, I've written 600 words and hope to get a bit more done...
(Oh, the above photo is of B and E at Kenwood, at the edge of Hampstead Heath, a few weeks ago.)
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