We're throwing a barbecue/housewarming/1st birthday party in two days and are in the process of cleaning and buying the appropriate refreshments.
E and I have been going out every day, even if it's just to the library or the park. Today he had an early nap so I had time to take him to the 1'o'clock Club across the Common where, unfortunately, their sensory room is broken. We still got to sing a few songs and bat some toys around, and he rode in a plastic car which he was very excited about. He also demolished a puzzle and tried to eat a crayon, and watched goldfish swim while trying to gently poke them through the glass.
Today B worked from home so I got to go out at midday while E napped to visit the cafe where I wrote 5 pages. Go me. At this rate I might finish the book before Christmas, nearing the 50k mark.
There are a few changes on the horizon for B at work - good ones. Can't say much now, since it's not a done deal, but things look fairly certain.
E is still waking at least once a night, and usually more than that, though, so there's the bad news to balance out the good.
I don't have any good current pictures so here is a baby in a box.