Also on that list are:
-Space. There's some lady with a grating laugh talking in one of the nearby gardens and I can clearly hear every whinny she emits. I miss being removed from the neighbors in a completely detached house with acreage.
-Sunshine. It's raining now. 'Nuff said.
-Nearby beaches, forest, mountain.
-Being able to walk somewhere without seeing 30 other people. I miss walking on the marsh path at 11pm and not seeing another soul.
-Cheap baby stuff.
-Cheap food and clothes, too.
(The above two items on the list shouldn't be misconstrued: I mean 'cheap' as in a U.S. item costing less money than the same or similar item in the U.K.)
I miss the people more than I miss the other stuff, though!
Anyway, this isn't a pity me post (much) so I've disabled comments. Hah. View it more as a plea to some entrepreneur to open up a takeaway burrito shop in SW London, at least until I earn enough money to split our time between CA and London.
And so this post doesn't end up being a wall of text, here's Elijah at his god-grandma's house, with my godsister and one of his favorite toys: the chimes.