Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Autumn Leaves

The weather is starting to get nippier, but it's been downright pleasant throughout September and early October. There's a different feel to the weather in England... there's more of a warning bite to the breeze than I ever felt in California.

I remember swimming in mountain lakes in Shasta County with my godfamily when I was younger. The water on top was sun-kissed, warm and pleasant. If you dove more than a few feet underneath, however, the water grew instantly colder, reminding you of the lake's glacier roots. Autumn in England is a little bit like swimming on the line, dipping in and out of the cold.

Today E and I visited the park because he woke up too late to go to one of the play areas (they close at 3:30). He was a little bit out of sorts today because he had his MMR jab yesterday. The nurse said to be aware that symptoms can crop up within a week - some children go through a very mild form of measles or mumps, some run a fever, etc. So I'm keeping an eye on him.

Meanwhile, at the park...

Running, climbing, pointing, swinging (not pictured, too blurry)...

Wanting to climb, and...

...giving himself a hand for getting to the top of something he could climb.

That's all for now. Poor B left before 7 this morning and won't be back until after 10pm, so hopefully he'll catch a break sooner rather than later.

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