Tuesday, 16 February 2010


This winter keeps dragging on, dreary, gray and really, really cold. It totally can end already. I am so ready for more sun. Fortunately, the days are incrementally lengthening, so things are starting to look up a little.

B and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary last week. He took me to a local Michelin-starred restaurant. I feel a bit spoiled!

Other than that, I have no major updates. Elijah keeps growing and is surprising us almost every day with things. He can recognize the letters "O" and "Y" (and probably more, too, but pronunciation is an issue with him). He says "Ticka-tah!" instead of peekaboo. He can run at about a million miles an hour. Don't get me started on the climbing. Last week, B and I tried to tally up all the different words he says and we've come up with 50+ at least. Still says "Dadden" for Daddy. He also recognizes some numbers and can say them/point them out. The one downside to all this talking is that he still cannot pronounce the "L" in clock. Yeah.

Here's a pic taken today of E in his pyjamas "helping" Granny play the harmonica.

And a video of a video of a, well - just watch it and see.

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