We visited the Horniman Museum last weekend on a rainy Saturday. They were doing hands-on African drumming, but the big draw for us was the little aquarium.
And here is B making the mistake of lifting a 21 month old within tempting reach of gallons of water. You can guess what happened after this picture was taken!
After drying off we went into the hands-on instrument area where E got to play a homemade instrument (you whack a foam sandal across the pipes to make whuffing noises). I like the random kid with his arm down the pipe.
Sue's grandson would *so* love all this too - and so would I - maybe we can arrange to rendezvous there some time - that would great; someone will remember spare camera batteries...
whuffing sounds...what a descriptive word!!! i can just imagine :-) i need to make me one of these instruments...were the tubes all of different lengths and diameters to make different whuffs?? happy mama's day
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