I know I promised aquarium pics, but today was so much fun that I'd like to post it when things are still fresh in my mind.
We headed off to Wimbledon Common for their village fair. Luck was with us - we found a parking space immediately, one which happened to be about a 30 second walk from the edge of the festivities. It was a big event - horse show, dog show, funfair rides, food stalls, arts/crafts stalls, performances, etc. Kind of like a slightly scaled-down American county fair.
I BRAVELY went down this slide with E. He had fun. Me, not quite so much. This is a before pic and nobody is seeing the after pics. E is smiling, I am not, we'll leave it at that.
B, on the other hand...
had so much fun he did it twice.
Couple more random shots...
Punch & Judy. No, I can't explain it, it's just some British tradition that involves puppets and a fair amount of gratuitous slapping about.
Some sort of juggling show with Victorian accoutrements strewn about.
Glug, glug.
brilliant fun!
punch and judy...classic!!! back when men were men and women were media approved punching bags!! LOL
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