He's been getting very chatty of late and making some funny comments. When I told him about the impending haircut, he said in a knowing voice, "Ohhhh! Lawnmower!"
Lying with B in the hammock a few weeks ago: "That the moon! Moon hiding in trees."
Dadden: "Where's your cup?" E: "Cup hiding... in living room."
We have a lowercase alphabet puzzle that he enjoys. I'm gently working on the sounds of letters, aided by the pictures underneath the puzzle pieces (rainbow for R, apple for A, etc). E will often pick up/point out a letter and say "P! Puh, puh!" But for "X" he goes "X! Black hand!" For ages I had no idea why, and then B pointed out the fact that there's a picture of a hand being X-Rayed underneath the X puzzle piece.
And... we're not sure whether it's genuine or a bedtime delaying tactic, but last night when B was tucking him in, E said: "Butt trouble! Lie down mat!" After being duly checked, nothing was wrong, but it did make us laugh.
Speaking of which, we're no-pressure potty training, which basically means we're leaving out the little potty we recently bought to get him comfortable with it. I didn't expect him to take to it but in the last 5 days or so he's gone from sitting on it fully clothed to insisting "diaper off!" to sit down on it. We give him praise and read him books while he sits. To date we've had one success. He goes right back into diapers when he feels he's done and it's all child-led (he makes the decision when/if to sit down and when he feels finished) and really it's not a lot of hassle for us parental units either. Still, we have no real expectations (well, before 3 would be nice).
Next week I should have an interesting update for the blog.
oh he looks a right little man now with his curls all shaved off!!! still cute as a button
and what a great tactic on the potty training! wish brock would try that with Nora, who is also almost 3. They DO say boys are easier...just put him in thick cotton panties in the day time, and if he pees himself, he will be mighty uncomfortable, and maybe enough to ASK to use the potty? i dunno...just a easy, no stress thought, although it does mean more laundry for a while I suppose...oh well, good luck!!
Thanks! Yeah, the no-pressure thing is really good so far. I don't think he's entirely ready, but at least he welcomed the concept. I figure since he's not even 2 yet we're doing all right... as long as nobody turns it into a power struggle (which he will win) :)
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