Last night was E's first night in his new bed. As you can see, the covers are rather pink (which we didn't expect) but I suppose that's preferable to random cartoon characters. Anyhow, he likes it. I snuck in last night and got this photo of him...

So far we've had one falling-out (at around 3am) which ended up being very nonstressful, as he went back to sleep immediately after B lifted him back into bed. Plus, he only has about 6 inches to fall, onto soft carpet.
Lately we have been...

...nomming late summer blackberries from our back garden and...

...generally being Cool. Because nothing says Cool like a stained onesie and oversized sunglasses.
ok - E's birthday is the same as my sisters...I am going to say #2 will be born on Brock's bday - 12/15....anyone placing bets yet??
I personally LOVE the stained is a catalog of events you can wear!
Ohhh noooo. I had better not go 5 days overdue!!
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