Sunday, 14 November 2010


I meant to do an update around Halloween but lately blogging's been one of the last things on my mind. I seem to have the attention span of a gnat.

We have mostly been...

...carving pumpkins...

...blowing out candles...


...falling asleep in high chairs covered in hummus and toast particles...

...and enjoying the autumn.

Approximately one more month to go before the new arrival. I am eagerly counting down the days until B's paternity leave/vacation begins. Running out of indoor things to do with a toddler! Fortunately we're half a block away from a little green area - it's not much, but in a pinch it does very well for a bit of fresh air and exercise when the young master gets cabin fever. I can't go more than about half a mile (if that) without discomfort these days.

On the bright side, I'm considered "at term" at the end of this week (if she's born at 37 weeks she's not considered premature) so the end is within sight. Ironically I'm not having as many contractions/Braxton Hicks/back pains as I did in the earlier weeks. I guess that's both good and bad.

We are going to a friend's toddler's birthday party in S London this afternoon, and then I think I'd better pack my hospital bag just in case.

1 comment:

SSP said...

just can't believe you are having another little baby happy for you all and wish i could come see you!! love staying semi- up to date through your blog :-)