Sunday, 30 January 2011


I have about 9 emails to write/catch up on so this'll be a quick post.

Turned 30 (eep) and had a nice celebration tea at our normal tea place (the Landmark).

'Scuse the blurriness and general rumpledness of me. I was a bit more put-together when we arrived but then I had to walk E up and down the stairs 500 times and C woke up halfway through that... but we had great fun anyway.

I don't feel older. Well, I do, but I'm in denial. I am, however, in a good place in life. 5 years ago my goals were much the same as they are today, although I've achieved some of them. There are plenty more, of course, but I'll get there, and am enjoying the journey.

Well, off to start replying to some of those emails :)

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Brain Mush

C is not a bad sleeper at all, but I do miss getting large chunks of uninterrupted sleep. It makes some things harder. For example:

E: "What's dat?" *pointing at a wet, decaying leaf on the ground*
Me: "That's a decomposing leaf."
E: ?
Me: "Oh. Uh, it's disintegrating.
E: ?
Me: ", it's... old... and falling apart."
E: "OK."

Lately we have been.... and decorating gooey (too gooey, didn't cut well, but tasted good!) gingerbread men and cookies.

Having elaborate tea parties with bears, monkeys, etc. (All practice for cooking me breakfast in bed at some point.)

Eating pasta out of new bowls with forks, at the grownup table.

Sort-of-playing board games, which at E's age consists of lining up the little tokens and knocking them over with dice.

And enjoying smiley baby, of course!

Will leave you with one last conversation:

E: "I want to go up through the roof in a rocket to the sky very high."
B: "In a rocket? It might be scary."
E: "Yes, it would be scary. There might be an owl."

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Ticking Along

Middle of January... nothing much going on... life is good, but not wildly exciting. The weather is still cold and it's been rainy, though neither of those two things have been too extreme.

We have mostly been hanging out, going to playgroups, spending time with each other and getting back into the swing of things after B's paternity leave/holiday ended. I have more confidence with this baby than I did with the first and that has made a big difference to my outlook. I think I did the right thing by resting so much after the birth. Mentally, I think I was ready to go out near the week mark, but physically was a different story. Now at 5 weeks postpartum I feel almost normal. I surprised E the other day by chasing him pell mell through the park and then letting him pursue me around and around a large tree.

I find that he's a happier boy when out and about in nature. There are these places in the UK they call "soft play" areas which are basically large warehousey type rooms with padded play structures. Think Chuck-E-Cheese without the arcades and prize machine stuff. It's climbing frames, slides, ball pits, etc. There's a soft play place at the bottom of our hill which is convenient. The problem is these places are so loud, with kids yelling and screaming, music going in the background, that it seems to wind him up tight like a spring. Heck, it winds ME up. I've pretty much resolved not to go down to our local place again unless I know for sure it's not crowded. A handful of kids is fine but overcrowding just worsens the situation and instead of peacefully getting his energy out, E ends up needing to decompress, having dealt with a bunch of loud kids.

So... next time I consider going down there I think I might save my 5 quid and try going to the park. Even if it's raining I can suit him up in his waterproofs and boots and carry an umbrella, and C has a rain cover for the stroller. The biggest drawback to that is the cold. But I'd rather be cold than stressed, and E responds so well to being surrounded by nature and being able to run and jump unconfined by padded walls.

I was just talking to Dad about how wild-camping on Hog Island has made some of the best memories of my life. A mile out into the bay, with wilderness on both sides (true wilderness on one side, with roaming Tule elk), I'll never forget going out there year after year around Halloween, setting up our camouflage tent, sitting around the campfire cooking, sailing/rowing around the bay and to the chalky cliffs and deserted beaches of the untouched wilderness. I remember learning how to scull in a damn hurry when, in my first solo row around the island at age 7, one of the oarlocks broke and the current was carrying me toward the Pacific Ocean. (Although I reckon the sheer horror on Dad's face as he stood on the beach watching rather helplessly contributed to my sculling skills.)

I hope E and C grow up knowing those types of memories. The feel of a campfire on a cold night, the taste of your own food, cooked over that fire. The beautiful silence of wilderness. The cry of the gulls in the morning. The patter of rain against a waterproof tent roof. The smell of salt air.

(Yes, both kids are sleeping, so I can wax poetic, but C is stirring so I'd better wrap this up.)

Squashy baby is growing!

The house may be cluttered and none of the adults dressed, but at least there's a lotta love!

That's all for now. Hope everyone's having a decent January.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Water Magnet

20 foot puddle + boy = fun.

Callie is one month old today and doing well. We all went to a friend's son's 4th birthday party today. It wasn't a long drive - 20-25 minutes or so - yet there were lots of green spaces and the area had a very village-y feel to it. There were even a few pastures with horses. 100 years ago the area wasn't considered "London" and yet it's now part of the city's outskirts, being "inside the M25" (the circular freeway around London). And Callie seems to be a car baby, so it was a pleasant drive and definitely nice to see a bit of greenery.

Sunday, 2 January 2011


Well, here we are in a new year. I didn't cook black-eyed peas and ham hocks, cornbread, and collard greens but hopefully someday when the kids are bigger, I will. B and I were up until a little after midnight anyway with the baby, so we heard the distant Central London fireworks booming.

The big news around here is... Callie smiled yesterday for the first time! Yesterday of all days. Felt like my mom had a hand in that. A little over 3 weeks is early to smile (E smiled for the first time at 4 weeks exactly) but both B and I witnessed it multiple times. Full eye-contact, tentative, open mouthed smiles. Good stuff.

E is enjoying playing with the baby, often insisting she be brought into his room.

E insisted upon bringing his duvet and pillow onto the floor to "cuggle" near the baby.

No more time for blog-updating today - things are busy, but in a good way (thus far!).