Sunday, 2 January 2011


Well, here we are in a new year. I didn't cook black-eyed peas and ham hocks, cornbread, and collard greens but hopefully someday when the kids are bigger, I will. B and I were up until a little after midnight anyway with the baby, so we heard the distant Central London fireworks booming.

The big news around here is... Callie smiled yesterday for the first time! Yesterday of all days. Felt like my mom had a hand in that. A little over 3 weeks is early to smile (E smiled for the first time at 4 weeks exactly) but both B and I witnessed it multiple times. Full eye-contact, tentative, open mouthed smiles. Good stuff.

E is enjoying playing with the baby, often insisting she be brought into his room.

E insisted upon bringing his duvet and pillow onto the floor to "cuggle" near the baby.

No more time for blog-updating today - things are busy, but in a good way (thus far!).

1 comment:

SSP said...

so sweet - and why not smile. I am sure you are both smiling at her a lot!!