We met up with friends at Africa Alive, an animal park with a nice playground and indoor play area. Spent a lovely time observing the birds and animals and watching a birds of prey display (during which E insisted upon getting up, wandering off, and touching trees. Odd child).
We milked a faux cow...
...and saw lions (among other animals).
After that, it was indoors to the soft play. I have no pictures but E had a great time. There was a complicated system involving vacuum, air, balls and tubes, and "cannons" which shot the foam balls all around. E simply loved it.
And C? Well, she's slotted in well. Now if we could just get her to sleep a nice unbroken stretch from midnight until at least 6, instead of waking up twice...!
Hard to feel put-out, though, when you look at her cute little mug.
The prince is getting married on Friday. Some places are even having street parties. B and I are probably going to a friend's barbecue though. E starts playgroup twice a week from next week. That term runs into July. Then he starts nursery (preschool) in September.
He'll be the youngest in his class due to being August-born. I'm not worried about his academic skills nor his social skills. I think he'll be ready for preschool, although I'm still a bit leery about sending him into kindergarten at barely 4. He knows at least 90%, if not more, of letter sounds (S = sss for example). He knows both upper case and lower case letters - all of them, from A-Z. He can name and recognize a variety of colors and shapes. He can count to 20 although he skips 13 (superstitious?). He can count actual things (i.e. 3 red cars) although he's not 100% on this if there are more than about 4 things to count. He strikes up conversations with complete strangers and says "please" and "thank you" properly.* He even shares with other kids.**
*most of the time, anyway
**ditto the above
So - life is progressing. I read something recently that nails it totally for me. "The days are long, but the years are short."
wow - can't believe that already!?! At brock's school for Nora, she can't start K til next year, even though she turns 5 on aug 12! in indiana, they have to be 5 by aug 1 I think, so she gets an extra year of being little...C sure is adorable :-) miss ya cuz!!
Yeah they start 'em really early in the UK, it's a bit weird. I can't comment on your blog, btw. It won't go through! Miss ya too!
hmmmmm i wonder why? i will see if i have any odd controls turned ON
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