Friday 5 August 2011

(Very) Belated Update....

So we've been back from CA for a few weeks now, and are settled in. I didn't get to catch up with everyone I wanted to! Nor did there seem to be enough time to visit. The weeks we were there flew by. I plan on doing a write-up at some point, mostly for my own benefit so that I can remember and savor what we did there in the years to come.

We're off to Suffolk this weekend, staying with friends. Today is E's 3rd birthday. He was very excited to go outside and find this:

Please excuse his green underoos.

Although it's been a bit tough adjusting to life back here in the UK (rain in July and August is bleh, sinus headaches are bleh too, nonsleeping babies are VERY bleh), we are pretty much back on track now. E is starting preschool in September and will be one of the youngest kids in his age group. I know enough people in the area to arrange playdates once a week or so, which is very nice. B is starting a job in Brighton which is a 90 minute commute, but should be a good change for him.

And in and among all that we are finding time to eat blackberries from our garden in the sun.

Will try and update again sometime soon....!


SSP said...

Happy bIRTHDAy E!!!! today is my sister's birthday too. Sorry i missed you in CA...I talked to your dad while I was there and saw Liz....hopefully our paths will cross sooner or later, cousin. Love you!

Kat said...

Sorry to have missed you!! Next time I hope! Glad you check my blog. Love ya!