...eating a BIG chocolatey Halloween treat...
In and around all this, we're coping with a broken dishwasher. Yes, it's completely borked, fixing it would cost as much as buying a new one, BUT here's the thing - it's an integrated dishwasher, so it's going to be damned difficult (and expensive) to replace. It's the landlady's responsibility, but on the other hand, she's not raised the rent in two years.... so frankly, rather than be priced out of the area, I'd rather do dishes by hand. Which we are, and have been doing, for the past several weeks. Coping. Yes, just about. My hands are really clean. Unfortunately, however, it looks like the washer/dryer is on the fritz too. Fortunately, it's just the dryer part... so far. Great timing with winter, but... could be worse. Right? Did I just jinx myself? I probably did.
Baby C took two unaided steps yesterday. I don't think she meant to, but she did anyway - from one cruising point to another. She turns 11 months tomorrow. My instinct says she'll be awhile yet before taking more unaided steps, but I'll be keeping my eyes peeled. Speaking of big moments and milestones, her first word may have been "Wow." I've heard it on two different occasions but I'm not 100% sure, because she doesn't tend to repeat it on command.
Well, off to catch up on emails... okay, who am I kidding... I'm going to read some, promise mentally to reply, and then fall into bed anyway.
1 comment:
LOOL...me too on your last line Kat! Thanks for the updates on the babies!! They are just adorable little kids :-) I need to read some more and catch up. Love you!!
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