...a lot like Christmas. Although the weather is fairly balmy (for here) especially compared to last year's bitingly cold winter. We decorated our tree at E's insistence...

B and I have got everything sorted except a pie dish (which is due tomorrow) and possibly some more wrapping paper. Presents are starting to pile up underneath the tree. I feel pretty acclimatized to a UK Christmas now although I feel mince pies are a poor trade for reg'lar old non-alcoholic eggnog. You know what I don't like, though? The commercial aftermath of Christmas. The Boxing Day sales and all that stuff - ok, fair enough to get a few deals, but after the actual HOLIDAY is over, I just want to let go and start living normally. We've already had Black Friday (well, that's more of a States thing but it's making its way over here), Cyber Monday, etc, and frankly I'd rather sit back and enjoy what I've already got rather than think about Acquiring More.
'Scuse my mini-rant. Here are some photos from our (my and E's) recent visit to the Museum of London. It really is a wonderful place and child-friendly. I have been known to spend most of a day there (pre-children).
They have fairly recently revamped it, adding more to the downstairs exhibits. They also added on a replica Saxon house (wattle and daub).

E in front of the (recently added) Victorian Pleasure Garden exhibit. Since I recently wrote a novel set in 1877 and am currently writing one set in 1843, I love going through these indoor "gardens!" They have little movie-type scenes projected onto the walls with people talking/acting, benches and a little winding ramp down which to promenade.

Nearby is the Victorian Walk, which is a series of shops from the 1800's all kitted out with different Victorian gadgets/products. There's even a little pub you can sit in and listen to the piped-in recorded sounds of glasses clinking and people talking. Here, E looks at the toy shop. The museum had the walk set up as a Santa's Grotto this Christmas.

One of the exhibits - Victorian pottery set into the floor and covered so that one can walk over it. E was very interested.

The gaol (jail) exhibit. I read about debtor's prison while he looked at the child-friendly interactive display. Inside those boxes are handleable objects such as padlocks, keys, chains etc.

This was E's favorite exhibit. Moving trains, buttons, lights, roads, and a traffic light in the background. Fortunately it had a nice table and chair nearby for me.
After sharing lunch, E and I headed outside to catch the bus near St. Paul's Cathedral.

We rode past the anti-capitalism Occupy protest.

Down Fleet Street and the Strand....

Over the Thames with Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament in the distance.

Back to Waterloo Station and then home. Merry Early Christmas to all! I will try and do another update tomorrow with the picture of our tree and all underneath it.
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