Every day, I manage to feed, clothe, and clean myself and the kids, do some basic housework, and write at least 100 words (usually around 250-300). Anything else is gravy. We try to catch up on the weekends. It's not bad - just tiring. And sometimes I look up and I realize I've neglected this blog, to take stock of how far we've come.
So, in that vein....
In 2011, E wasn't yet at preschool. Next year, he will be in Reception (Kindergarten) and C will be 2. Big changes. E is really starting to appreciate outings more - museums are fun to him. He is fairly gregarious, extremely verbal, and continues to be overall a kind, gentle and fun boy. C is walking confidently but is shy, especially of new people. She won't have anything to do with strangers and will flee them angrily. At 13 months she is beginning to understand some words and short phrases/requests. We went to our first solo playgroup (sans brother - he was at preschool) last Thursday.
And some photos....
I have some more pictures, these from the Horniman Museum (trust me, the name has no bearing on anything) last weekend. It has a little aquarium and some good kid-friendly hands-on things, like instruments. But it probably deserves its own post.
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