I have what I fondly refer to as a dumbphone. I should clarify that it has one or two bells and whistles, namely the camera (which is all I use it for apart from the odd text or call), but it's certainly no top of the range thing. Still, it enables me to point and shoot, capturing the moment here and there without fuss.
So I present to you a selection of blurry photos, each one with lots of sentimental value yet little to recommend them technically or artistically.

Callie riding a horse toy at the church playgroup. She was around 12 months in this picture.

Climbing at 12 months...

...and at around 13 months...

...ditto the above.

Safely contained within a swing. The shoes she has on here were also E's first shoes.

Smugly doing the train down the click-clack track at one of the local children's centers. These places are stay-and-play areas, open in the afternoons, geared toward preschool children under the age of 5. The Libdem/Tory coalition have cut funding for many of these places.

2 C's... in the sensory room at one of the local children's centers.

Vrooming around the outdoor area of the center.

Climbing and following big brother, a marvelous combination.

Ditto the above, minus climbing.

E chillaxing on a log on the common.

Slightly distorted sibling picture, driving the airplane at the local common.

Can't climb that (yet).

The round-and-round is always good for some giggles. E in his school uniform here.


A "boat" E and I built out of old boxes and boards and bricks, at the local children's center. Love the fact that they provide these natural materials that have unlimited, open-ended play potential.

Sibswings. This was taken recently - you can see how C's hair has grown.

Logwalk at the Common park.

Outdoor play at the children's center.

Squashing a flower in her paws on the school run.

We found a new park last week that's only a short bus ride away, has a different children's center attached, a sandpit, and lots of things to climb on, including this train caboose and...

...this locomotive with a tunnel down the middle.

Inside the new children's center, E rode this funny foot-pedal-machine.

"A-a-anything you can do I can do betterrrr...."

Rocking horse inside.

Taken today... E and I visited Hamley's Toy Shop on Regent's Street while B and C stayed local. Lots of things to do/see, and here E is watching a Scalextric race, with a separate train display set up in the middle. He also drove remote controlled cars and played with a ton of other toys.

Like this rocking horse.

Free face-painting job - he is a tiger. Got lots of indulgent grins on our way home today!

A quick stop for a miniature chocolate cupcake on the top floor, overlooking central London, then a wander around Carnaby Street before heading home.
The phone is back in my pocket, ready to capture more moments. I have more blurry pics on my last phone but it's daunting thinking of hunting it down, charging it, finding a way to get them off, and then sitting here sorting through them, so I will rest on my laurels now... besides, C's sleeping is worse than normal because we are trying to crack down on her bad habits. Saw a pediatrician who said the bad sleeping is behavioral... needless to say, last night wasn't a barrel of laughs, and tonight probably won't be either.