On top of that... it looks certain the landlady is going to raise the rent. OK - we can deal with a rise... but then she had an agent come around to "revalue" the property. I did a bit of research and... well, London private rents have gone up a lot in the past few years. Two bedroom places in this area are renting for prices that, for us, are unaffordable. So God knows what our rent is going to be raised to, but I'm really hoping we can afford it.
If not, I don't know where we'll go. We have a ballpark area - anywhere with good transport links to both Brighton and London. Nothing hums to us. Nothing feels like home. We've been here for just under five years now and the thought of relocating makes me feel sick to my stomach. The thought of telling E, who is so excited about going to "big school" just down the road, that he can't go there, makes me feel awful. I love the school run, I love this area, I love seeing and chatting to the same people - the nice librarian who has known E since he was 4 months old, the friendly childminders in the area, the other mothers.
So, just sitting here waiting for the other shoe to drop. Will the rent increase be affordable? Will she be merciful, wanting to keep known tenants, or take a gamble on the unknown? We've expressed our interest in staying... there's nothing we can do at this point but wait, and hope she doesn't ask for £300 extra per month.
It sucks being a taxpayer in the UK who has to support a family on one income. A worker supporting a wife and two young children is taxed at the same rate as a childless, single taxpayer. There are so many good aspects to this country but this particular point is tough to swallow. It's not the principle of the thing - it's the fact that I love this area, I love this flat, my children have spent their entire (albeit short) lives in this area... and we're on the cusp of being priced out entirely. I knew we'd never be able to afford to buy here (or anywhere, really, at this rate), but I thought we might have a few more years here.
It'd be easier if we had somewhere else in mind. But... we don't. And actually, even areas further out in London are more expensive than I'd expected. Just... ouch. Reality bites, and all.
It'd also be easier if B's job wasn't up in the air. His company is... well, restructuring. He's not in the line of fire, but he will be in a few months, when some department takes a look at his role and decides whether it's essential or not. And his boss has just taken another job, so he's getting a new one. Another unknown... way too many for me.
Well... reality bites.
So let's look at the positives. We're off to Suffolk to stay with friends this weekend. And this Sunday was Mother's Day in the UK. I woke up to chocolates and a balloon....
Now that we're all healthy again, the warmer weather is luring us into the garden. C is too precarious to leave on the large trampoline (especially with E on it) so I've dragged the little one out and she's loving it.
Ok - am off to attempt to regain my natural optimism. Probably through sleep (if C lets me, she's been awful the last week) and maybe possibly through having a bit of chocolate and reading a trashy romance. Tomorrow is another day, and all that jazz.
EDITED TO ADD: If anyone has emailed me lately and not received a reply... email me again, please (katcoll AT yahoo DOT c.om is the one I check - write it the normal way with the @ and . - am foxing the spambots by not writing it out properly, this is a public blog, after all). I've lost some messages to spam, according to a friend, and may have straight up just not received email. V. annoying. And now off to bed.
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