Elijah has developed into a veritable milk vampire, and seems to be growing very well. We ventured out a few times this weekend - had brunch at a family-friendly place for Bruno's birthday, and took a walk around the Common, which is a large park less than half a mile from here. It has a pond with ducks and play structures scattered around several acres, including large grassy areas where people can chuck frisbees around or lounge in the sun. (When it's not raining, of course.)
Anyhow, here's a few pictures of the past few days. Excuse the quality: I have no time to crop and touch them up!
Here's Elijah being weighed. He was over 9 pounds at this point. In England, they send health visitors/midwives for home visits for the first few weeks post-birth. It's so nice to not have to go out, dragging everything and the kitchen sink, to wait to be seen at some clinic.

Despite his grumpy expression, he was sitting peacefully in his bouncy chair here:

If Bruno looks tired in this picture, it's because... he
is tired. This is Eljiah in his first outfit, going to visit north London.

We're trying out part-time cloth diapers (real nappies, they call 'em over here). So far, less leaks than cheap disposables, and it saves money and landfill space.

That's all for now. And no, I'm not posting any pictures of myself for awhile! I look like a zombie and I'm not all that photogenic right now! Plus, Elijah is more fun to look at.
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