Sunday, 3 August 2008

Tea minus owwww

Irregular contractions started at 10am Saturday.
Waters broke at 4:30am Sunday.
Went into the hospital for a check, got sent home at 7am to "progress more." Was 2cm dilated at that point.
Currently 4:15pm, contractions are approximately every 7-10 minutes for about 45-50 sec each.
The hospital wants us back in when the contractions are approximately every 3 minutes for 1 minute each.
I'm eating dried apricots and feeling very sorry for myself.
Bruno is reading me inspirational birth stories and I am switching between glaring at him through contractions and being somewhat inspired.
I am too lazy to post a picture, so this update will be a wall of text.
I'll update again at some point when I can.
That is all.

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