I've been hit by major waves of nostalgia this trip. B and I visited my childhood park and my Montessori pre-school, one town over from this one (about a 10 minute drive). I lived on a boat until I was three, and then we moved into an apartment in the same town, right across the street from the park and the library. We lived there until I was six.

And... there's said apartment, above the little shop there. I parked right across from it, and then B, E and I walked to the park...

...where this little guy got to go on the swings. You know, it seemed to me like the park had shrunk. Rationally, I know it was me that changed, but still... it was odd seeing eye to eye with the top of the tall slide, and that jungle gym wasn't very large after all.

Bad attempt at a self-portrait in the headlands above the bridge, looking across the bay. I was squinting because I had to take my sunglasses off!

Beginning the drive down, looking out toward SF across the bay. B snapped these two photos.

The Point Bonita lighthouse, the last manned one on the CA coast.

Elijah and I on Rodeo Beach, with a tanker heading into port in the distance behind us.
Below, a few photos of our day yesterday... my best friend in high school got married to her long-term beau at the Frank Lloyd Wright building (Civic Center). It's the same place my parents got married many years ago. You might recognize it as the setting for the movie

It was a very pleasant ceremony in a nice garden, and I got to catch up with an old friend I hadn't seen in ages. It was so hot that we kept joking we'd accidentally-on-purpose fall into the fountain, but we restrained ourselves. Apparently, however, one member of a wedding party
did recently fall in!

Afterward, we had a barbecue at the nearby beach... where I used to go with my elementary/middle school for an end-of-the-year field trip. Ah, nostalgia.