Sounds romantic, doesn't it? Want to know the reality?
A certain young gentleman arose at 5:30, wanted feeding, and then was just too wide awake to go back to sleep. I wanted to let B sleep in since he needed it, and I didn't fancy riding herd on an active boy in a non-babyproofed flat. So out we went, and then I had a midmorning nap when I came back... and was awoken with a nice breakfast of French toast and tea.
The second strange happening occurred just before noon. B and I were sitting in the living room when we heard drums. My first thought was Oh NO... is it the neighbors? Are we going to have problems again?!
B sat upright and said, "Is that... a brass band marching down the road? Because it sure sounds like one."
Turns out, he was right. It was a brass band.

This evening, I expect there'll be a circus trundling through the neighborhood, or perhaps a skydiver landing on the roof, or maybe I'll run into Michael Jackson or something. Don't strange things tend to happen in threes? Stay tuned!
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