I don't usually talk about politics on this blog, but I feel I'm entitled to an occasional blog post about it... especially when it affects my family.
This evening we got a letter through the door informing us that Elijah's information is now being held on a central database. Actually, it wasn't even a letter, it was a pamphlet, laid out in a kind of slick, propaganda-magazine style.
ContactPoint, the government's new database, includes Elijah's full name, age, address, name of his doctor, school information, and information about us, his parents.
And no, we don't get to opt out, it's mandatory. So... joy of joys, Elijah's information is now out there for pedophiles to search through. Of course, there's a "limited amount" of people who can access the database, but with Britain's shoddy security record, it's a given that there will be unwanted eyes roaming over the information in ContactPoint.
Oh, and there's the small matter of users being able to search the data for the "prevention or detection of crime"
This from a government who stores genetic fingerprints from about 750,000 under-18s (including innocent children).
To say that I'm hacked off with this is a bit of an understatement.
I think Americans tend to get the impression that Britain is just a meek, rainy island with lots of castles and tea parties. Don't get me wrong: I like it here, but the government is downright scary. Sure, it's currently in turmoil, but it's still rolling out stuff like ContactPoint, and the National ID card scheme, which requires everyone to be fingerprinted.
Yes, we're

Brilliant comments on the kind of state we live in, Kat! and I am thrilled to see you using that poster which so spooked me - very strong scary graphic, I laughed in disbelief when I first saw it: perfect illustration to the points you are making.
ya and obama wants to tax sugary drinks so i don't think we're much better. also; passports needed to cross state borders by plane? wtf!
frightening. The whole world is in a panicky state about "security." I am still holding my TX drivers license as AZ doesn't accept them as VALID proof of citizenship!!! I'd have to show my birth certificate to get a new license!! No way! Elijah, by the way, is adorable in the tub!!
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