The jester tossed the burning torch into the air and caught it. The small knot of onlookers applauded politely.
"HOT!" bellowed Elijah, pointing in earnest.
A small tittering swept the crowd. The jester turned to us and bowed. "This young gentleman is correct, good ladies and gentlemen. It is, verily, hot."
"HOT!" bellowed Elijah, still pointing.
The jester nodded again, then turned to the bulk of the crowd and began to juggle again.
"HOOOOOTTTT!!" The tiny finger waggled, whether in excitement or disapproval I could not say. Still, we beat a retreat from the courtyard, up the steps to the Great Hall....
...where Henry the 8th danced centuries ago, in Hampton Court Palace. Since we'd come early, there wasn't much going on yet, but it was far less crowded. And we did get to see some of the costumed folk and check out some other activities.
Besides, the scenery was pretty great:
Anyhow, happy 2010 to everyone. I will catch up on some emails tomorrow, but for tonight I think I'm going to head to bed. B and I are just sitting here waiting for the clock to tick over to midnight, having watched a DVD. I've been doing a lot of cooking lately - pesto pizza, banana cake (modified from Dad's recipe), homemade bread, and, to challenge myself, a vegan meal of sweet potato and carrot soup. Which actually turned out pretty good.
This is making me sound... really... old. Well, I had a glass of wine tonight, so ha. Um, yeah. Maybe I'd better stop now. Mmhm. Good night, and happy New Year to all!
This reminds me of the time I took Bruno to see Indian dance when he was twoish - the whole audience cracked up twice: first when Bruno loudly proclaimed "Funny Noise!!" at the dancer with bells round her ankles, then as another approached the stage, "Anudder funny noise comin!"
mmmmmm banana cake! recipe please??? sounds like a HOT time in jolly old england :-) love ya cuz!!
Dude, I'll definitely post that recipe at some point, it's pretty good! :) Hope you're well and had good times with the fam.
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