Yeah, growing up in coastal California didn't expose me to a lot of snow. You have to go inland for that, past Sacramento or so. Actually, the one December it did snow (albeit about 10 flakes) in MV, I was with a friend's family in Bear Valley, skiing. I remember those few flakes moved inland and became a massive storm. It was great! It blizzarded overnight, giving us a few feet of fresh snow. Drawback? Windchill was oh... -9F or so. Every time we hit the ski lift we'd have to knock off the icicles that formed on the bottoms of our scarves.
And when I was 15 or so, we spent Christmas with Chris O in WA in whiteout conditions... but that was the day after Christmas, wasn't it? So did that count? Maybe? I think it does!
Speaking of snow...
It's still pretty cold here. We went to visit our friends on Sunday for an impromptu dinner at their place. It was only a 10 minute drive or so but the side roads were like ice skating rinks. Right now, it's raining, so I doubt we'll see a white Christmas. But that's ok.
Things on my to-do list:
-Make some mulled wine
-Wrap presents and attempt to avoid the "giant spitball" look
-Do up some stockings for the three of us
-Christmas Eve walk
-Long relaxing bath
-Bake a pecan pie
-Bake a pumpkin pie (both from Dad's recipes)
Hope everyone is keeping well and has a good holiday, wherever you are!
merry christmas to you all Katrina!! i am in houston at duck and cyndy's. Wish you were here.....hoping to see your dad in Feb - I will be in San francisco, and I will let him know!
hey kat & family, have a merry christmas & happy new year! hope 2010 > *
Happy 2009 and best wishes for 2010! :)
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