Wednesday 25 March 2009

Been Busy...

...doing lots of spring cleaning, lots of walking, some writing, and of course, tons of baby entertaining.

Some officials from the local council came around yesterday and made suitably grim noises at the state of our balcony/yard. The bad neighbors are continuing to let their dog roam free, and it's cleverly found a way into yet another neighbor's yard to wreak destruction. Our downstairs neighbor has had all of his flowerpots upended and dug out. I'm hoping it's only a matter of time before something's done about it.

Meanwhile, life continues as usual. Elijah and I are off to our usual baby singing group tomorrow at the library, where we've made some friends. Speaking of friends, the baby in the above picture is nearly 2 months younger than him, and is the daughter of our friends in N. London. Isn't she a cutie?

1 comment:

dinah said...

i think they like each other! extremely cute pair...